Food Labels

    Food designating information ensures communication between an operating food business (producer, distributor, merchant, importer, caterer/hospitality business….) and the end user - consumer. The labeling is a complex subject regulated in the law.

   The Food Control Center provides services of development of the information that must be used in the designation/labeling of food and verifies the existing information and its compliance with the regulations as needed by food operating business entities.

   You can rely on years of experience that we have acquired in this area and contact us with absolute confidence if you have any queries relating to food labeling.

Food Control Center

Adress: Jagićeva 31, 10000 Zagreb

Head of the Centre: MSc Marina Ćurko

Quality Manager: MSc. Vesna Bolanča

Head of Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Objects of Common Use

Head : MSc. Marija Janušić

Head of Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Objects of Common Use